Discover Your Authentic Self and Embark on a Five-Week Transformational Journey ! 

Nancy Duarte, a family counselor with 25 years of experience, Bible teacher, and transformational coach grounded in Biblical principles. Break Through Strongholds and Overcome Barriers to Reveal Your Unstoppable, Genuine Self.


You Can Change Your Whole Life!
If You're Here, It's Because You Desire A Life Of "More" — More Love, Passion, Joy, And Abundance, Yet, You Might Feel Trapped In The Expectations Of Your Daily Life.

Unleash Your Life: Where Fulfillment and Authenticity Begin!

You Can Change Your Whole Life!
If you're here, it's because you desire a life of "more" — more love, passion, joy, and abundance, Yet, you might feel trapped in the expectations of your daily life.

Or, you might have all the components of a "good life" — family, career, a home — but in quiet moments, 

you wonder, 
"Is this all there is?"

"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands" (Proverbs 14:1).

 we hold the power to either bless and build or tear down and destroy.

perfectly structurEd.


 Understanding Rejection in The Spiritual Journey

The transformational process begins when you look beneath the surface of your thoughts, your beliefs, and your choices, exposing the underbelly of your behavior.

In this module, we will explore the profound impact of rejection. You will discover the why and how of your fear-based life. It is not about judging it or, but to explore, understand, and honor it as the reality that has brought you to where you are today. 

 The emotional wounds inflicted by those we love can be uniquely challenging to navigate, especially when they come from fellow believers, family and friends.

When you take the time to explore your behavior without self-deception or illusion, you will clean up the past and glimpse the future you long for. 

As you move into the ownership phase, you will begin to take responsibility for all that you’ve been and all that you bring and don’t bring to the life you are living. 

You will explore insights and wisdom drawn from clear examples from the Bible. This allows you to see how you have participated in the realities you are living and understand that it is not possible to live in a circumstance, situation or reality unless you have given it your consent at some level, consciously or unconsciously. 

You will enter a new world of a new paradigm of courage and confidence. What they are, how they work.

 Join us on this journey of healing, discovering, and learning how to navigate the complex terrain of rejection within the context of our faith.


Understanding Rejection From The Wordly Perspective

Each one of you possesses hidden aspects of yourselves, often referred to as shadows, that you might try to keep hidden because of the fear of judgment. 

These hidden parts, though not always visible, significantly shape your everyday experiences in ways you might not even realize.

Consider this: My shadow represents an insecure side seeking protection and questioning its worth. It's inclined to react strongly to minor issues, eager to defend itself.

Now, what's intriguing is that the vibration of this shadow clashes with my usual self, making it feel like an entirely different person.

God is always speaking to us, guiding us. We are the ones who choose whether to listen. We may choose not to listen because of our fear, our addictions, our cravings, or old habits that have taken over and wiped out the beautiful voice of God within. 

Some spiritual darkness feels so woven into the fabric of our souls, so enmeshed in our personality and wiring, so deeply rooted and subtle, that escaping it can feel like trying to run from our own shadow.

An ingrained and abiding lack of assurance, a distorted relationship with body image or food, the twisting temptations of unwanted desire — such darkness has a way of hounding at the heels.

Either we can hear it or we can resist it. We can trust it or we can ignore it. It is ultimately our choice. 

 But here's the uplifting part — you don't have to let your shadows dictate your actions or your future. I want to share some steps that I often revisit to acknowledge and integrate these shadows, aligning them better with how you want to present yourselves to the world.


The Enemy Within Patterns and Behaviors

No man or woman has the capacity to change oneself. Truly our minds are a clear reflection of our souls. Few of us consider our thought life as important as God does.

 If we did, we would hold much less confidence in our natural abilities, because our flesh is absolutely corrupt. Perhaps this is why we are told.

The second misconception about the nature of our flesh is that we can admire what the flesh can do. We like some of our fleshly behaviors. We’ve learned to produce socially acceptable behavior out of our natural selves. But this is a problem because, while the flesh can produce a certain level of acceptable behavior, it is simultaneously planting the seeds for our eventual destruction. 

Most people do not realize that we lose sight of the fact that we are really at war within ourselves much less in crisis. We would rather remain content by perceiving ourselves as being reasonably competent and moral. 

This module is about the patterns and behaviors we learn to rely on in response to the crisis of life. Many of these were created by our flesh and have become what Scripture call strongholds. Often we do not see these strongholds as corrupt or destructive. But most of our problems with living and experiencing the free Dom Christ died to gun us are directly related to ur inner strongholds. 

The first step begins is that we have an enemy within. The enemy is so subtle that we can’t detect it. But after we do identify them you will feel a great sense of urgency that will prepare you to change that leads to action. 


Stuck With Childhood Patterns

Scripture makes it clear that all individuals are born into a state of sin. However, many of us may not realize that we are part of a fallen race, living in a world tainted by evil.

To complicate matters, we often turn to our flawed and corrupted selves to devise ways of dealing with the pain that exists in this fallen world.

It's evident that the coping mechanisms we develop as children may not be as effective in adulthood. As we grow physically and spiritually, there should be a corresponding shift in how we handle challenges and respond to stress.

Unfortunately, this transformation doesn't always occur as expected.
During our youth, we form patterns of responding to both our inner and outer worlds.

The inner world, comprising our thoughts, dreams, feelings, fears, and imagination, often wields more influence than the external world of people, places, and things. As we navigate through these worlds, pleasure and pain become significant motivators, particularly emotional pain.

While we may accept the inevitability of physical pain, emotional pain is often more challenging to confront. At times, this emotional pain can be overwhelming, and the experience may not yield any substantial benefits.

It doesn’t matter how much we want to be excluded from this fact of life or how hard we try to work with what we are born with. No matter what we do, our understanding is limited.

We all have certain behaviors in life that we just never think to question. We will look into our childish behaviors and emotions. By the end of the module, you will begin to understand and discover that we may still be children. 
As an additional bonus to this program, we are introducing Module 5, titled "Leaving It Behind," which acts as a crucial gateway to liberation. 

A transformative journey to break free from the strongholds that have shaped your life since childhood. This course is designed to guide you through the process of dismantling the patterns and limitations that were formed early on, allowing you to step into a new chapter of empowerment and self-discovery.

But that's not all! As an additional module, we are excited to offer a FREE workshop on "Identifying Your Inner Child Strongholds." In this workshop, you'll go deeper into understanding the roots of your inner child's influence, gaining valuable insights to complement the transformative journey of breaking strongholds in the main course.

By the end of this comprehensive program, including the bonus Module 5 and the free workshop, you'll have the tools and insights needed to break through strongholds, leaving behind what no longer serves you and embracing a more liberated and authentic version of yourself. 

Join us on this empowering journey and take the first step toward a life free from the constraints of childhood strongholds.

what you will LEARN...

  • Transformative Mindset Shifts: Gain insights into distinguishing between the objective and subjective mind.earn to challenge and overcome negative thoughts, fostering a positive mindset.
  • Empowerment in the Face of Rejection: Develop strategies to build confidence and self-esteem, particularly in situations of rejection.Understand the impact of thoughts on self-perception and break free from self-deceptive patterns.
  • ​Building Emotional Freedom: Explore the impact of internal dialogue on emotional freedom and learn to shift it positively. Develop courage, confidence, and inner strength to navigate challenges and reject disempowering emotions.
  • Taking Responsibility and Healing: Acknowledge the role of responsibility in emotional freedom and personal empowerment.Gain tools to confront and heal emotional wounds, releasing the grip of past hurts and disappointments.

JOIN 4 WEEK by Reclaiming Today! Empower Your Journey, Rewrite Your Story!


Don't let the scars of  rejection define your future. It's time to reclaim your inner harmony, heal from emotional trauma, and create a life of empowerment and joy. Enroll RISING ABOVE THE SHADOWS OF REJECTION PROGRAM. Unlock Your Potential: Inside this transformative program, you'll discover the keys to unlocking your true potential and creating the life you desire. From reclaiming confidence to rewriting your narrative, we delve into the core elements that empower personal growth and fulfillment. 

Join us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the art of crafting your most beautiful life. It's time to reclaim your story and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie within.""Reclaiming Inner Harmony" today and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and personal growth.

Join us for a transformative virtual online program led by renowned expert Nancy Duarte, an esteemed former family therapist and experienced divorce coach. This live course, spanning four weeks, is specifically designed to guide you through the healing process after a toxic relationship, helping you reclaim your inner harmony and rebuild your life.

With Nancy Duarte's expertise and compassionate guidance, you will embark on a powerful journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing, all within a supportive group setting. This interactive course offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and challenges.

During the five-week program, you will:

  • Learn from a Leading Expert: Nancy Duarte brings her wealth of experience and expertise as a former family therapist and life/divorce coach. Benefit from her deep understanding of  she envisions a future where every soul finds hope and triumphs over adversity.
  • ​ Her mission is to guide and support individuals who have experienced rejection and struggle to move forward. Through her innovative coaching methods, she will empower and equip you with the necessary tools to overcome your past and embrace a brighter future.
  • ​Engage in Live Sessions: Experience live interactive sessions with Nancy Duarte, where she will provide valuable insights, facilitate discussions, and answer your questions. This real-time engagement ensures that you receive personalized guidance and support throughout the course.
  • Collaborate in a Supportive Group: Connect with a community of individuals who have also experienced rejection. Engage in group activities, discussions, and exercises that foster understanding, empathy, and growth. Share your experiences, gain new perspectives, and provide support to fellow participants on their healing journeys.
  • ​Explore Tailored Modules: Dive into comprehensive modules designed to address the unique challenges faced when healing from a world where people are no longer defined by their past experiences, but rather by their ability to rise above them.
  • Receive Personalized Guidance: Benefit from Nancy Duarte's personalized guidance as she helps you navigate your healing journey. Through individualized attention and compassionate support, she will assist you in identifying your specific needs, overcoming obstacles, and creating a personalized roadmap for your healing process.
  • Access Additional Resources: Gain access to a variety of supplementary resources, including recommended readings, worksheets, and guided meditations. These resources will further enhance your learning experience and support your ongoing healing journey beyond the course.



Please note that space in this live program is limited, so secure your spot early to ensure your participation. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of healing and growth in the company of a renowned expert and a supportive group of individuals.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for the First Module of the transformation  PROGRAM 


Nancy Duarte

Transformational Life Coach

Nancy Duarte, with over 24 years of counseling experience, has dealt with all kinds of families – married, single parents, single moms, dads, children, and teens. Embracing the digital age, she founded Life On Earth Ministries, aiming to revolutionize families through her engaging narrative videos and audios. Serving as your 'soul sensei,' Nancy takes you back to the foundation of Jesus' teachings, helping you apply Christ's wisdom to your everyday challenges and putting your faith into action. Join her revolutionary journey to spiritual health, where studying God's love letter becomes the key to transforming your heart and life.


Taking the 'Reclaiming Your Heart to God' program was a profound journey into self-discovery. The module on rejection touched the core of my fears and brought them into the light. Through the wisdom shared and biblical insights, I learned to navigate the emotional wounds caused by rejection. This course has been a transformative experience, allowing me to take ownership of my past and move forward with newfound courage and confidence...

Emma W.
The 'Reclaiming Your Heart to God' program has been a game-changer in my faith journey. The module on rejection unveiled the why and how of my fear-based behaviors. It was an eye-opening experience to delve into my past, understand my choices, and take ownership of my life. The biblical insights and clear examples provided a solid foundation for transformation. This course is a must for anyone seeking healing and navigating life's complexities within the context of faith
Ryan B
I cannot express enough how impactful the module on rejection in the 'Reclaiming Your Heart to God' program has been for me. It provided a safe space to explore the roots of my fear-based life, especially the wounds inflicted by those I love. The course guided me to clean up my past, take responsibility for my choices, and embrace a new paradigm of courage. I am grateful for the biblical wisdom that illuminated my path to healing and self-discovery

Linda S
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